Judaica, Design and Fine Art. Biran has produced a large array of flawlessly finished creations that demonstrate his humorous approach. Using a broad variety of materials, he manages to meld form and color into perfectly integrated creations. Israel Museum, upon winning the Jesselson Prize For Contemporary Judaica Design, 1999. Look into our GALLERY OF DESIGNS. Avi Biran exhibiting in the Jewish Museum in Prague.
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Website designed, made and maintained by Mark David Smith. Click on a category below. PO Box 995 Forest City NC 20843. If our website helps you in.
Body Chain by Claire Falkenstein circa 1971-72. Metalcyberspace is created and maintained by. Contemporary studio jewelry designer Susan Sarantos. To help provide information, documentation and inspiration. In the field of modern art jewellery design and metalsmithing arts.